To order service please enter your info into the fields below then click submit…we will contact you at the provided email address/Phone #:

Please email or fax all attachments including the documents intended to be served to or 631-239-6849. If the address is a work address please include on the cover page the recipient’s hours of work as well as any other misc. info, ie. photo of recipient, car make/model/Lic Plate # and/or Best time and place to serve **Please provide instructions for filing of Affidavit of Service…otherwise the original(s) will be mailed to you directly**



Client Name/ Phone #:*
E-mail Address:*
Type of Service: (Personal/Sub Serviceable)*
Document Type:*
Court/Index #:
Name of Person/ Corporation to be Served: *
Description of Person: (Incl. Gender/Age/Ht-Wt/ Hair Color/Other Distinguishing Features)*
* Indicates required fields